The experts first scan this sculpture in 1992, but is now more detailed results can be obtained thanks to advances in technology, said Alexander Huppertz, director of the Imaging Science Institute in Berlin.
This new picture shows that the face of "hidden" Nefertiti has a far more realistic with encountered a number of grooves in the corner of his mouth (top, bottom and left) as well as a bulge in the cheek and nose.
"CT scanner capable of displaying a side of the face that not only shape that can not be seen by the naked eye but he was enriched with high-quality art," explains Huppertz. In the last layer of cement plaster (top, left top) of the statue, Thutmose was to smooth out bumps nose twitch and the queen, perhaps to reflect "the hallmark of the era of the time," added Huppertz, whose research is outlined in the April issue of Journal of Radiology
Nefertiti was the Great Empress (or principal wife) of Pharaoh Amenhotep IV (later Akhenaten title) and is the mother-in-law and stepmother might of Pharaoh Tutankhamun.
He is also the possibility of ruling the kingdom in no time with Neferneferuaten-Nefertiti's name after her husband died and before bertahtanya Tutankhamun.
source : wordpress.com
The original face of the pharaoh's wife
Wonders Of The World
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