The world's smartest animals

10 world's smartest animals and in penciptakan you and the animals are scattered (on earth) are Signs (the power of God) for those of assured Faith,
Quran Surah Al Jaatsiyah (45), paragraph 4

This immense earth still keeps a lot of mysteries. From the vast expanse of land and sea that seemed infinite creation of God, was not yet fully explored by humans as the most intelligent beings in the universe. No wonder the man appointed as caliph of the world by God to be able to lead other creatures. To be an intelligent leader, of course, also created other intelligent creatures as the greatness of God's pointer, so that humans do not act arbitrarily in the world and remains always menghamba on its creator.

Here are 10 (ten) smartest animals in the world that we can know it today:

1. Chimpanzee

This animal is very popular in Hollywood as "the Beast Movie" the biggest-selling besides dogs. Chimpanzees are the smartest animals in the primate world, and scientists also acknowledge that they are the smartest animals in the world today.

These primates originated from tropical forests in Africa. They live in groups, socializing with others, even to organize. They are creatures that show resembles early human activity. They can make a spear for hunting rabbits in the hole, picking fruit with a pole, break nuts with stones, and even fishing with a tree branch!

A professor from the Primate Research Institute of Kyoto University named Tetsuro Matsuzawa, dedicating his life to researching this chimpanzee. He said that chimps can even beat the Japanese undergraduate mathematics at the memory test numbers 1-9. Surely the memory test is made ​​as complicated as possible and with high speed.

2. Dolphin Bottle Nose Dolphins

Family of marine mammals are known to have exceptional intelligence. They are easily tamed and trained by humans. Among many of these intelligent marine mammals, bottle nose dolphin is the most intelligent.

Dolphin brain is larger than the type of brain other dolphins. In addition they have cerebral koteks 40% larger than humans. The cerebral cortex is the brain region that serves to social communication, information processing abstraction, problem solving, and intelligence in accepting new things.

Dolphins use sonar called echolocation sound to detect prey, danger warnings, as well as seeking colonies. These capabilities are used by the U.S. Navy (U.S. Navy) in a variety of research missions as well as cleaning sea mines.

Oh yes, when I look for dolphins know about this, I found a story about a bottle nose dolphin which saved small whales in New Zealand waters. It's an animal who likes to help.

3. Rhesus monkey

Sometimes we assume that all types of monkeys are equally intelligent, it is because they are easy to train. But other scientists argue. Rhesus monkey is a monkey who is considered the most intelligent in the world. Monkey habitat is widely available in Asian mainland, particularly in Afghanistan, China, and India.

Rhesus monkeys are widely used by scientists to help the various studies. Among the various studies using monkeys is one of them is the mission sending monkeys into space. Oh yes, we should be able to distinguish between monkeys and other primates, because they are all different.

Besides having a high level of intelligence, the Rhesus Monkey also has a psychological tendency that is similar to humans, even if they can commit suicide in despair!

4. Elephant

Of all the types of elephants exist in this world, whether it's pygmy elephants and giant elephant, believed to have the same intelligence. Elephants have a variety of sharp senses, especially hearing and memory. Brain elephant is the largest brain of all land creatures living today.

Elephant memory skills can be evidenced from how they remember the route and the distance they travel, given the members of one colony, and their ability to distinguish calls to each other elephants. Elephants can even call the other elephants in the distance of many miles feet with a shout, a trumpet, or by calling through the soil.

Elephants also have a psychology that is almost similar to humans, they can laugh, cry, and angry. No wonder many elephants used as a symbol of wisdom by some of the old culture in the world. In Schools Elephant in Lampung, elephants are trained to recognize various forms, do attractions, and even other elephants to paint!

5. African Grey Parrot

The first time you watch a video about Einstein the parrot intelligent gray on Animal Planet, I was very impressed. Imagine, if we know the usual parrots can only mimic human speech, parrots this one can even answer the questions on the ask. Surely it was necessary to exercise first.

The scientists who examined them said that this type of parrot is the smartest parrots in the world, or maybe it's normal if the bird is called the smartest in the world. These parrots can recognize dozens of questions that contain words from the simple to the most complex, recognizing dozens of colors, various forms, and numerical values ​​are presented. Scientists believe birds could be developed to study the more remarkable.

6. Octopus

All species of squid or bertentakel creature known to have the ability to solve problems, but for the octopus is incredible! Depth of this sea creature has a fairly large brain by nerve sensors that allow for them to think quickly. From various experiments is given scientists, for example, put the crab in the jar, the octopus can open and catch it. Sometimes they even can be found in the hull were catching crabs.

The largest octopus ever found weighed 273 kilograms and with a range of bodies reached 30 meters!

7. Border Collie Dogs

Border Collie is a breed of dog originating from Scotland, and is touted as the world's smartest dog. In the place of origin, these dogs are used by humans to herd cattle. Border Collie can solve complex problems that he encountered while herding cattle. Herding cattle is a difficult thing for people who are not used, but the Border Collie can learn it quickly.

These dogs are also often used in tracking and support for SAR in natural disasters that are difficult to be tracked with the technology. Of smell and remarkable intuition is what makes this dog to be useful for humans.

8. Crow

Back about the movie. If mice variously described as being smart in the movie, contrary to the Ravens. Hollywood crows often describe as stupid creatures who do not even know if the scarecrow is just a puppet. But Hollywood is totally wrong! Precisely crow is one of the most intelligent birds ever created.

Crows live in groups and are very social towards one another. They even point out things are wonderful in their daily activities. From direct observations in the crow's habitat in the area of ​​Palestine shows that crows apply the tools of their own making as a tool of their lives. They make blades of grass hard to pick the fruit, using bread crumbs to lure the fish out, or waiting for passing cars to steal food and then placed on the roof of the car.

In a story of Abel and Cain (the children of Prophet Adam), God ordered Cain to bury his brother as a raven to bury each other.

9. Rat

If you enjoyed movies such as Tom and Jerry, of course, we know the annoying prank Jerry Tom. Seen in the film that the cat was more stupid than the rat. But that fact (in my experience have a cat). Rats are one of the clever and cunning creatures popularly used as animal testing laboratories.

Mice have a psychology that is almost similar to humans. They may feel stressed, sad, happy, and even regret. Mice also can dream like a man, dressed up to attract a partner, and learn new things. Intelligence is widely used to identify various types of harmful food, disease, and even land mines!

One of the impressive ability of mice to humans is to solve the maze with his speed, even a very rare man who could be like that.

10. Portia Labiata (jumping spiders)

Ranked 10th falls on a jumping spider this mustache. These spiders inhabit many critical areas in mainland Africa, Asia, and Australia. This spider has been awarded to scientists as the world's most intelligent insects. Of the various kinds of research in the laboratory and direct observations in habitat, these spiders showed a very admirable thing.

Scientists have tried a variety of simple cases to the spiders is to determine to what extent he can solve his problem. Evidently these spiders can memorize the rhythm is given to scientists, even he can remember anything that selectively targets given.


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